1920 James Gordon Bennett Cup Race entrant. The pilot was Howard Rinehart. Due to mechanical failures the plane completed only one lap before exiting the race. Reference: "The Air Racer" by Charles A. Mendelhall is a good source for additional details.
2021 Flying Aces Club Muncie Outdoor Champs One Design entrant based on Jetco/Henry Struck design.
This free flight rubber powered kit includes a full-size rolled CAD drawn plan, laser cut balsa parts, hand-picked balsa strip wood, vacuum-molded wheels and control covers, FAI rubber motor, E-B propeller, EBM thrust bearing, LaserCal™ laser cut markings, and MT. FUJI grey Japanese tissue. To build this model you will need a building board set, hobby knife, fine sandpaper, and glue.
"First flights report. Winds calmed down for lunch so I put my other planes aside so I could start trimming the RB1. Now mine is 20% heavier than the standard kit. Very stable. 6th flight hit 35 seconds. Some notes for anyone building. I’m thinking of moving the rear peg up one bay. I’m flying with a single loop of 1/8” 2x hook to peg and it is reasonably slow left climbing circle. So far I added about 10 grams of clay in the nose, ughhh!. Cut a little out to bring the nose up being she’s flying slow. The kit has built in 2 degrees down thrust. I added another 1/16” shim of down to that. Settled her down a bit. Nice glides and cruise for sure after the power drops off. It was initially flying faster than seemed right so I bent open the 6” EB prop blades to get a bigger bite and slow it down which it really liked. I’m thinking it could use a thicker cross section of rubber and a longer motor to extend the run time. I’d like to add a cut down 8” EB prop to get a stronger bite. Everything built to plan except I covered the top of the nose with water color paper so I could cut in louvers. This plane is incredibly stable is my current assessment. Most friendly to trim plane I’ve had in a long time. Wing is 0 degree incidence as on the plan with a 1/32” shim under the TE of the stab." Back to the flying, DN
Additional Racer building notes.
"This model flies great!" - Kevin McCue